
Review the movie ‘Bird of prey’ of crazy makeover of Harley Quinn

Incidentally, the two movies released this weekend are about feminism and are a group of beautiful talented girls. However, “Littel Women” is gentle to how much the “Bird of prey” Harley Quinn’s splendid makeover “was covered with blood, crazy. Following the ecstatic success of the Joker, Harley Quinn was able to roam the screen again…

Review of ‘1917’ film climax of ‘one-shot’ scenes

In 2014, Birdman surprised the audience with the technique of one-shot editing (the scene does not cut), by 2020, the film ‘1917’ will treat a spectacular visual party with many times in SolarMovie. By skillfully editing and combining long scenes, director Sam Mendes makes the film seem to be filmed in a single shot from…

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